This article is about the setting parameters, rules, and templates for communications to members of a portal.
This tool enables you to customize and manage:
- the master email template,
- the “Sent from” settings for email and SMS communications, and
- the portal settings for coach-messaging permissions and message security.
To access the section:
- Go to the Settings section of the admin;
- Enter the "Portal Management" module;
- Select the "Communications" on the left-hand menu beneath SETTINGS.

Configuring Master Email Template
From this page, you can set the portal’s master email template. Afterwards, each email communication sent to portal members will be set to reflect the settings you've made here.
Various email communications are sent to members through the Engagement Rx system as reminders, course progress markers, for content delivery, and for coaching purposes. The basic layout of all email communications is based on a standardized, system master-template. The standardized layout determines the arrangement of basic email components—including the welcome message, the email body content, and the support link—and the tags within the email.
With the email template editor, you can alter the layout of email components and set replacement tags for system variables.
Here is the view of the master template in the editor tool:

- The rich-text editor allows formatting, linking, and image uploading.
- The replacement tag and prefab dropdowns enable the insertion and arrangement of tags, including the following: EmailContent, FirstName, BrandLogo, LoginDirections, Unsubscribe Link, HelpDestination, and an Unsubscribe Link from the Prefab element dropdown. All of these can be customized for placement in the email and for portal-related specifications.
When you have finished customizing, click on "SAVE" at the left-bottom corner of the page. If you'd like to restore the default template, click on "Restore default template" at the right-bottom corner. Once the master template is edited and saved, all email communications to portal members will reflect the new template.
The “Message From” Configurations
The “Message From” configurations allow you to set the default “message from” signatures for email and SMS messages sent to members in this portal. You can also enable the ability for individual admins (for example, coaches) to create their own “message from” signatures in their Profile & Preferences settings.
The “message from” signature is the name that members will see when they receive emails, and it is the name they will associate with emails from the portal.

- When this option is toggled to the on position, it is enabled for use by admins with roles that require message-interaction with portal members. When this is enabled, admins can choose the name they’d like to use when sending messages to members. If this option is enabled for a portal, it does not require admins to set their own contact signature; if this option is enabled but contact signatures are not set by individual admins, the “From Email Name” will be determined by the entry in the field below this toggle-box. When this option is not enabled, all members in the portal will receive the “from” signature entered in the “From Email Name” field.
- This is the “from” signature set at the portal level. Members who receive email messages will see the sender as whatever is set in this field.
Setting Permissions and Security Details
The "Messaging" section at the bottom of this page includes the following options, each of which are enabled when the toggle is purple and set to the right:

- When toggled on, text messaging for coaches is enabled.
- When toggled on, secure messaging is enabled, but not required, in this portal. The following two options are conditional and can be chosen only if this "Secure Messaging" option is enabled.
- When toggled on, ALL coaching messages sent in this portal are automatically sent as secured messages. This selection disables the use of text messaging.
- When toggled on, messages in this portal will be set to secure by default. Coaches can still choose to send messages as non-secured by manually doing so for each individual message.
What is secure messaging for?
Secured messaging is required by HIPAA law when any message is sent that includes any personally identifiable information (PII). When you use secure messaging, you ensure that sensitive information related to PII and personal identities are protected from exposure to unintended parties.
What is HIPPA law and PII?
HIPAA is a federal law that prevents the exposure/disclosure of any data that could be used to identify a specific individual’s personally identifiable information (PII).
PII includes the following:
- Name—even if it’s the first name with only the first letter of the last name
- Demographic data
- Location
- Date related data—birth date, start-course date, age, etc.
- Telephone numbers, fax numbers
- Email address
- Biometric data, including medical and lab results
- Any other information that could be used to identify an individual
What effect does secured messaging have on members and participants?
When messaging is sent as secured, members and participants must view the content of the message in the Engagement Rx communications center. When a secured message is sent to a member/participant, they are made aware that they have a new message waiting for them in the communications center and they are given brief instruction on how to view it.
For standard authentication, a link to the message (in the communications center) is provided. When the member/participant clicks the link, they will be redirected to login and then to the message (if they’re already logged in, they’ll be redirected right to the message).
For SSO, members/participants will receive a message telling them that a new message is waiting for them in the Engagement Rx communications center.